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Overseeder OS15 Series

Overseeder OS15 Series

Land Pride's OS1548 & OS1572 Solid Stand Overseeders offer precise placement and seed-to-soil contact, making them ideal for over-seeding existing stands of grass or establishing new turf.


The three way seed-to-soil contact system provides great germination and emergence with the solid advantages of a full-width seeding pattern.

Your choice of straight or curved knives slice into the ground creating slits to receive the seed. Fluted seed cups precisely meter the desired amount of seed in a broadcast pattern, delivering outstanding metering accuracy.

The solid, cast-iron packer wheels finish the job by pressing and firmly packing the seed into the soil, eliminating most air pockets. Choose from gauge-wheel drive or plant close to sidewalks and obstacles with the rear-roller drive.


Our Quick-Hitch System allows you to quickly connect and disconnect from the implement - most without leaving the tractor seat. This is a real time saver when working on multiple projects.

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